stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
What has the Watchtower reading material done to YOU?
by The Rebel inthe reason i ask is because i realise i couldn't go on reading watchtower material.
i have discovered it did something to my mind no other literature has done to me before.
it had turned me in to a person without a heart, or soul, and made me in humane and distant from other humans who didn't share the w.t world view.. i now feel ashamed of my childish behaviour, and i have learnt :-.
stan livedeath
50 years ago--as a teenager--i found it difficult to read watchtower print. i even got reading glasses. but i could easily read anything else. i think it was my brain refusing to allow itself to be corrupted. -
by Munster Abu innew here but looking forward to joining in some of the discussions with you all.. a small bit about me: i'm shane.
was raised as a jw in the uk by my mum (single parent family) from about 2 years of age.
got baptised at 15 for all the wrong reasons.
stan livedeath
hi shane--welcome to this place
heres a link to others in the UK:
the wonderful world wde witnessing work----or is it ?
by stan livedeath inhiding behind the literature stand in a litter strewn empty shop doorway.. .
is this what the witnessing has now dumbed down to ?.
who's bringing reproach on jehovah's name now ?.
stan livedeath
what totally pisses me off about the watchtower society is----with this huge volunteer labour force-----they could organise to be of REAL value to mankind----anything from help for the poor and needy----to specialised practical help in 3rd world countries----refugee crisis management etc--in other words helping hands alongside the red cross---sally army etc.
in other words--earn the respect and praise of the world----a real witness to their loving god---instead of sinking to be the laughing stock which is all their own making.
the wonderful world wde witnessing work----or is it ?
by stan livedeath inhiding behind the literature stand in a litter strewn empty shop doorway.. .
is this what the witnessing has now dumbed down to ?.
who's bringing reproach on jehovah's name now ?.
the wonderful world wde witnessing work----or is it ?
by stan livedeath inhiding behind the literature stand in a litter strewn empty shop doorway.. .
is this what the witnessing has now dumbed down to ?.
who's bringing reproach on jehovah's name now ?.
stan livedeath
hiding behind the literature stand in a litter strewn empty shop doorway.
is this what the witnessing has now dumbed down to ?
who's bringing reproach on jehovah's name now ?
Looking for co's in the uk
by Super ted inhi.
so i knew quite a few co's but have lost contact as i moved abroad.. does anyone know where anton irons is now ... he was a great guy.
talked sense..
Looking for co's in the uk
by Super ted inhi.
so i knew quite a few co's but have lost contact as i moved abroad.. does anyone know where anton irons is now ... he was a great guy.
talked sense..
stan livedeath
hi super ted--heres a link to many UK members
Thought I was stronger!
by Peony injust come home from a weight loss class early.
it's 6 months since i da'd and two and a half years since i've been to a meeting.
there was a witness there (unless she has left, i wouldn't know) we made eye contact!
Thought I was stronger!
by Peony injust come home from a weight loss class early.
it's 6 months since i da'd and two and a half years since i've been to a meeting.
there was a witness there (unless she has left, i wouldn't know) we made eye contact!
stan livedeath
( odd---the photo URL i uploaded hasnt appeared ) -
Thought I was stronger!
by Peony injust come home from a weight loss class early.
it's 6 months since i da'd and two and a half years since i've been to a meeting.
there was a witness there (unless she has left, i wouldn't know) we made eye contact!
stan livedeath
peony-----the PM indicator is here under the search box---to the left of my avatar. it will be green if you have a message.